Plan for College Green bank

Sir, – I was greatly intrigued to read about the proposal by Minister for Arts Jimmy Deenihan for the Government to take over…

Sir, – I was greatly intrigued to read about the proposal by Minister for Arts Jimmy Deenihan for the Government to take over the running of the old Irish parliament on College Green, currently occupied by the Bank of Ireland (Home News, June 17th).

One option may involve the building being used as a world literature centre. There is already one noteworthy book present in a glass case within the House of Lords chamber, which I discovered on a recent visit to the bank. While its title – Bank of Ireland Rules and Regulations – may exclude it from the literature section, perhaps Mr Deenihan could find a suitable home for it? For a book of its age it is in excellent condition and appears to have had little or no use. – Yours, etc,


Sitric Place, Dublin 7.