Plan to open Fitzwilliam Square

Sir, – John Devlin writes (Letters, April 13th) that Fitzwilliam Square park should remain in private ownership because the current owners "know what they are doing"; which effectively means that it would be the only park, among the five Georgian Squares in Dublin, to remain closed to the general public.

Surely, that is not a good idea at a time when, more than ever, we need access to open spaces in our cities.

I rented a flat on Fitzwilliam Square in the 1980s and, regrettably, it was an unsolvable mystery to me as to how one could acquire a key to enter and enjoy the park.

I believe that the city council has done a wonderful job with Merrion Square park by transforming it from an area of Stygian darkness into a beautiful green and open space, an oasis of tranquillity which adults and children can now enjoy. I am sure that, given the opportunity, it will achieve the same success with Fitzwilliam Square park. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 12.