Planning and tourism

Madam, - Prof Frank Convery, speaking at the Burren Law School (The Irish Times, May 4th), wondered if the tourist industry was…

Madam, - Prof Frank Convery, speaking at the Burren Law School (The Irish Times, May 4th), wondered if the tourist industry was behaving like "a dog that doesn't seem to want to bark" in relation to the collapse of the planning system in Kerry.

From a report on the same page, it appears that the Irish Hotels Federation (IHF) has more important issues for its members, and is barking mad about the ban on young people in bars after 9 p.m.

Your Letters page has carried many letters from international visitors about bad planning in Kerry, but none that I can recall on "anti-family" legislation not allowing young people in bars late at night.

The tourist industry - and the IHF in particular - should wake up and smell the primroses so prolific in the hedgerows all over Kerry at the moment, before they too disappear due to bad planning. - Yours, etc.,


JOHN O'CONNOR, Vernon Grove, Dublin 6.