Plight Of The Homeless

Sir, - It is sad to read about how we have failed yet again to protect the rights of vulnerable in our society

Sir, - It is sad to read about how we have failed yet again to protect the rights of vulnerable in our society. Since Dublin Corporation closed the Homeless Persons' Unit last month and replaced it with a freephone number, it seems many of those affected cannot get through. While the corporation has agreed to provide a replacement unit, with the original one being shut down due to health and safety concerns, no early date has been provided for the opening of this new centre.

How long had the corporation known about the unit's health and safety issues? What would have happened if the unit had accidentally been destroyed in a fire? Would the back-up plan have been the same?

How have Focus, the Simon Community and other such commendable voluntary organisations assisting the homeless been coping since the closure? Will the Northern Area Health Board staff, redeployed in community welfare offices around the city since last month, be consulted on any acquisition and set-up of a new unit?

How bleak must things seem for all those on the cold front of this crisis, facing into another autumn and winter on the streets of Dublin. - Yours, etc.,


Catherine Murphy, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.