Pluralism And The Angelus

Sir, - Gerry O'Sullivan does not seem to be thinking very clearly about pluralism ("Rite and Reason", December 8th)

Sir, - Gerry O'Sullivan does not seem to be thinking very clearly about pluralism ("Rite and Reason", December 8th). He describes the Angelus as a "pre-Reformation practice", ignoring the obvious fact that it was the pre-Reformation practices of the Church that the Reformers were objecting to.

Protestants are not in general familiar with praying in front of pictures of the Virgin and Child, however artistic. Indeed Mr O'Sullivan could do with re-reading his own article, since in one paragraph he justifies representations of the Virgin and Child as artistic and in the next says that Eastern Orthodox people view them as sacred and not as art objects.

By remarking that "minority religions/denominations often receive more airtime and exposure than their numbers warrant", he misses the point of pluralism, namely, that the majority should not use its numbers to squash minorities. The practice of broadcasting Catholic and Protestant services on Sunday morning is pluralist: to broadcast a Protestant service on only every twentieth occasion would not be pluralist. - Yours, etc., John Goodwillie

Old County Road, Dublin 12.