Policy on incineration

Madam, - Nicholas Loughnan (May 4th) misrepresents the attitude of the "non-greenie" lobby to incineration of domestic garbage…

Madam, - Nicholas Loughnan (May 4th) misrepresents the attitude of the "non-greenie" lobby to incineration of domestic garbage.

Vienna, which is one of the cleanest and best ordered of European cities, has a refuse incinerator/district heating plant within the city boundary. It is proudly recorded in the city guide and even features on tourist postcards.

The actual wording in the guide reads: "Artfully decorated by Friedrich Hundertwasser, the plant burns a third (250,000 tons) of Viennese domestic garbage annually, using the most modern filter techniques and thereby heating water which in turns heats the surrounding district housing and schools".

Mr Loughnan's sneers at Susan Philips are unjust. Many people will remember that she bravely lived amongst the eco-warriors who held up the Glen of the Downs road-widening in an attempt to understand what their concerns were. Now that project is finished after a delay of several years and €8 million in extra cost, everyone can see that the eco-warriors had no justification for their interference. - Yours, etc.,


JOHN CAFFREY, La Touche Park, Greystones, Co Wicklow.