Policy on incineration

Madam, - Perhaps if the Taoiseach and the Minister for the environment met groups opposing incineration in this country Mr Ahern…

Madam, - Perhaps if the Taoiseach and the Minister for the environment met groups opposing incineration in this country Mr Ahern wouldn't make the sort of statements quoted in your edition of February 17th.

Firstly, thermal treatment does not necessarily mean incineration. Incineration is an outdated technology. There are other forms of thermal treatment which do not have the same emission problems and do not produce dioxins. There are many examples around the world where alternatives to the building of new incinerators have been put in place and where moratoriums on incineration have been introduced. If Mr Ahern or Mr Roche would bother to answer the many requests from interested groups for a meeting he would learn that we have creative and modern ideas for a sustainable waste management strategy that wouldn't destroy our children's health nor leave this country with a legacy of environmental damage.

There is an abundance of scientific information showing the dangers of this technology. The problem is that this Government is determined, for whatever reason, to listen to only one side of the argument and push through a policy that is unnecessary, unsafe and unacceptable. - Yours, etc.,

ROMA FULTON, Shippool, Innishannon, Co Cork.