Political donations

Sir, - The figures released by the Public Offices Commission (The Irish Times, May 11th) about the donations made to the political…

Sir, - The figures released by the Public Offices Commission (The Irish Times, May 11th) about the donations made to the political parties made interesting reading.

Political donations are given because the donor agrees with the policy of a particular party and not in return for favours, so we are often told. If this is true, why has the Green Party received no donations from any company or organisation? The only donations came from its own elected representatives (incidentally the same goes for the Socialist Party).

Does big business not care about the environment or could it be that the Green Party genuinely doesn't do favours in return for donations? One could conceivably answer in the affirmative for both questions. - Yours, etc.,

Michael McGuire, Garvery, Burnfoot, Co Donegal.