Political legacy of David Irvine

Madam, - The massive turnout across political divides for David Ervine's funeral in Belfast is testament to the huge loss felt…

Madam, - The massive turnout across political divides for David Ervine's funeral in Belfast is testament to the huge loss felt by those working for a sustainable peace in Northern Ireland.

I interviewed Mr Ervine in 2004 for the purposes of research being conducted at the School of Law in UCD on the concept of a Charter of Rights for the island of Ireland. The concept is mooted in the terms of the Belfast Agreement. He was one of very few politicians who was willing to engage with the topic at all. I will always recall his willingness to give of his time and the open, honest and passionate manner in which he shared his invaluable insights and experience.

He spoke as a man who placed the well-being of his working class constituents ahead of political point-scoring, a man who was deeply committed to the peace process because he saw within it the means to improve their lives. In steering loyalism away from violent struggle and towards peaceful negotiation, he has left all people on this island a lasting legacy. - Yours, etc,

EVELYN LARNEY, Cooperhill, Julianstown, Co Meath.