Political reform and sex

Madam, – Elaine Byrne’s (Opinion, January 8th) linkage of the dysfunctional behaviour of senior Irish Government Ministers regarding…

Madam, – Elaine Byrne’s (Opinion, January 8th) linkage of the dysfunctional behaviour of senior Irish Government Ministers regarding political reform with Alfred Kinsey’s pioneering research on human sexuality (which suggested the higher levels of creativity, passion and stamina in males during their sexually active years between 20 and 30), was hilarious. All that enlightened legislation that we in Ireland are missing out on due to the non-release of the neurochemical dopamine in our over-30-year-old politicians is truly shameful.

On this basis, if political reform is guaranteed, then our senior politicians should immediately be issued with unlimited supplies of Viagra. I just knew 2011 would be enlightened! – Yours, etc,


Rutledge Terrace, Dublin 8.