Politicians and publicity

Madam, - I have no doubt there is a germ of truth in John O'Donoghue's allegation that Pat Rabbitte's attack on the Ceann Comhairle…

Madam, - I have no doubt there is a germ of truth in John O'Donoghue's allegation that Pat Rabbitte's attack on the Ceann Comhairle is part of a "cheap attempt to generate publicity" (November 30th). But I would counsel Mr O'Donoghue that people in glasshouses should not throw stones. He and his fellow Ministers spend large amounts of taxpayers money burnishing their images and generating good publicity for themselves. That could be termed "an expensive attempt to generate publicity" - expensive for the taxpayer, that is.

All of us should beware of politicians getting up on high horses. Introspection is not a prominent characteristic of those trying to pursue or hold on to power. That applies to John O'Donoghue as much as to Pat Rabbitte. - Yours, etc,

A. LEAVY, Shielmartin Drive, Sutton, Dublin 13.

Madam, - Why is John O'Donoghue TD again given space in your Letters page for a political attack on Pat Rabbitte? Do politicians not get enough space in our newspapers and television as it is without them wasting space on the Letters page? - Yours, etc,


DERMOT BURKE, Knocklyon, Dublin 16.