Politics and the Dubs

Madam, - Dermot C. Melia ("Is Bertie bad for the Dubs?", September 1st) states that at the times of Dublin's last five All-Ireland…

Madam, - Dermot C. Melia ("Is Bertie bad for the Dubs?", September 1st) states that at the times of Dublin's last five All-Ireland football titles, Fine Gael taoisigh Cosgrave, FitzGerald, and Bruton were in office. He also bemoans the fact that it is 12 years since the Dubs last won the Sam Maguire Cup.

Perhaps Mr Melia might spare a thought for us long-suffering Dublin hurling fans, who have waited 69 years since Dublin last won the Liam McCarthy Cup in 1938. Back then this State was still effectively part of the British Empire, Dr Douglas Hyde had just been elected as our first President, we were referred to as Éire and Eamon de Valera of Fianna Fáil was taoiseach. I'm sure Mr Melia would agree that the Dublin footballers' achievement of five All-Irelands since 1974, when compared with their hurling counterparts' drought, seems more like a feast than a famine. - Yours, etc,


Delaford Lawn,


Dublin 16.