Pollen Counts

Sir, - In answer to Elizabeth Kelly's letter (July17th), the only pollen count and forecasting service in this country is supplied…

Sir, - In answer to Elizabeth Kelly's letter (July17th), the only pollen count and forecasting service in this country is supplied by the botany department of

Trinity College, Dublin and is made possible through support from Astra

Pharmaceuticals. Pollen counts and forecasts may have regional variations due to prevailing weather conditions. The national newspapers, including The Irish

Times, and many of the radio stations throughout the country, including RTE, are the main media through which the information is communicated to the public. Arrangements have now been made to supply RTE with the variations where they apply. This regionalised information is currently available by telephoning the TCD botany Department on 01608 1804 or contacting its website at http:// www.tcd.ie/Botany/ I thank Ms Kelly for her letter and for bringing this matter to our attention. - Yours, etc., JOHN O'TOOLE, Astra

