Sir, Before we all lose the run of ourselves in the rush into the lists to break a lance with Fr David O'Hanlon in vindication…

Sir, Before we all lose the run of ourselves in the rush into the lists to break a lance with Fr David O'Hanlon in vindication of our President we should realise that he is a student in college. What he has said (April 19th) readily falls into the genre of college debate. One may imagine a topic posted by the Debating Society of the Irish College in Rome: "That this house censures the mode of President Mary Robinson's visit to Pope John Paul II". Called on to propose the motion, Fr O'Hanlon's tour de force would doubtless impress both the judges and the student audience.

In that style the aim would be to score debating points of the moment rather than present a case of substance. A tilt at the odd wind mill or sacred cow would pass muster as par for the course. However, good crack in the cut and thrust of student debate reads quite differently in print in the cold light of day. Our President will make the necessary allowances. Let us follow suit. To continue with the item would indicate that the fine weather had ushered in the media silly season three months ahead of time. - Yours, etc.,


Co Cork.