Sir - Father O'Hanlon's diatribe "The Last Bang of the Crozier" (April 19) was an astonishing piece of arrogance,and a calculated…

Sir - Father O'Hanlon's diatribe "The Last Bang of the Crozier" (April 19) was an astonishing piece of arrogance,and a calculated sneer. Who are the "we" O'Hanlon claims to represent? His arguments reflect just how much he is out of touch with the current sentiment in Ireland. The supposition Fr O'Hanlon made in his article, that Mary Robinson's resignation was calculated to win support following the negative reaction to her Vatican visit further reflects his very distorted view of reality. It's not Mary Robinson that needs to improve her perception in the public's eye.

Remember, Fr O'Hanlon, Mary Robinson is an elected official, chosen and supported by the majority of the Irish populace, and you are merely a self elected spokesman for boorishness and chauvinism.

- Yours, etc.,

University of Tennessee,


Knoxville, USA.