Pope Francis and Ireland

Sir, – In the many reviews of 2015, one event which goes without mention is the decision by Pope Francis, announced in Philadelphia on September 27th, 2015, that the next World Meeting of Families will be held in Dublin in 2018.

This meeting, which will hopefully culminate with a papal visit, holds great promise for witnessing the beauty, truth and goodness of the family, founded upon a man and a woman, which is fundamental to human identity and the life of our society.

As human life comes from the union of male and female and is formed by it, every person yearns for a loving relationship with his or her own natural mother and father, or where not possible, to be parented and nurtured by another man and woman. It is upon this fundamental benchmark for human identity that the natural meaning of marriage is based.

To contradict the natural meaning of marriage with a different legal meaning, however well-intentioned, inevitably brings about a disintegration of human identity, parenting, education and society. For their welfare hinges upon something far deeper than sexual orientation, being the complementarity of male and female and the basic need of the human person to be nurtured by a man and a woman.


The decision by Pope Francis to hold the next World Meeting of Families in Dublin in 2018 is a very significant response to the recent rejection of the natural meaning of marriage in our society.

If he can be here in 2018, offering the grace, intelligence and humility that captivated so many during his recent visit to the United States, he will speak this truth with respect and compassion for all.

This will be achieved by reawakening the truth and value of our shared humanity as male and female that completely transcends sexual orientation. His message will also be supported by two complementary forces that cannot ever be outvoted – Father Time and Mother Nature. – Yours, etc,



Co Kilkenny.