Pornography ‘conversation’ a distraction

Sir , – So Taoiseach Enda Kenny has discovered pornography ("Kenny calls for 'national conversation' about pornography", October 26th). He's calling for "a national conversation on the exposure of young people to pornography". Well good for him, but hang on a moment. Some could regard this sudden focus on pornography as just another means of absorbing attention from a still very live concern: the postponement until 2018 of a referendum on the Repeal of the Eighth Amendment.

Suddenly, the next subject under discussion is pornography, and a new bauble of social concern is dangled before the public in the hope of creating a distracting polemic which will absorb plenty of on-air time, not to mention newsprint.

With the Government counter-motion to the Bill proposing a referendum, things have moved swiftly on and the question of the Repeal of the Eighth Amendment has been well and truly put on ice while the Taoiseach considers the national attitude to pornography.

– Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.