Portmarnock Golf Club

Sir, – Philip Reid's article mentions that it only took 127 years for change to come about in Portmarnock Golf Club to admit lady members and he wonders who the first lady member might be (Sport, May 27th).

A far more pertinent question arises.

Who are the 16.4 per cent of males who voted to retain the men-only membership policy in the year 2021?

What an embarrassing history. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6.

Sir, – A round of golf in the exclusive Portmarnock Golf Club will relieve one of €250. So it’s well past time that members voted to allow rich and privileged women to join its membership of rich and privileged men.

The world must surely be a better place as a consequence. – Yours, etc,




Co Galway.

Sir, – You report that the members of Portmarnock Golf Club has voted to amend its constitution to allow for the admission of women members.

This will be achieved by removing the words “who shall be gentlemen” from the provisions in the constitution dealing with membership.

My dictionary defines “gentleman” as a chivalrous, courteous or honourable man and “chivalrous” as courteous and gallant, especially towards women.

I’m struggling to avoid the thought that Portmarnock has been in breach of its constitution for years.

How can members who consistently supported the blanket exclusion of women have met the requirement for membership that they be gentlemen? – Yours, etc,



Co Kilkenny.