Possible release of McCabe killers

Madam, - The crux of Noel Dempsey's rather rambling dissertation of December 15th occurs in paragraph four where he writes: "…

Madam, - The crux of Noel Dempsey's rather rambling dissertation of December 15th occurs in paragraph four where he writes: "The point is that the Sinn Féin political leadership has made clear that it will be impossible to bring the Provisional IRA to finality without movement on this issue".

It would seem from this statement that the IRA, and not Sinn Féin, nor even the Government of the Republic, will make the final decisions in the peace process. Surely the handing over of this function to the IRA is the true betrayal of the Irish people. - Yours, etc.,

HARRY LEE, Boher, Ballycumber, Offaly.

Madam, - Noel Dempsey writes to defend his Taoiseach's proposed release of the murderers of Jerry McCabe and expends an inordinate amount of ink in the process.


In focusing on the actual release Mr Dempsey ignores a most important aspect of this affair - the Taoiseach's inability to keep his word. A man, whether he is a politician or a poet, can be judged by this criterion.

We know that Mr Ahern is a serial promise-breaker, going back no further than the last election. Now, breaking election promises is a serious enough matter but it's a peccadillo compared with breaking one's solemn word, first to the UN on overseas aid and now on the early release of these killers.

Even Mafia dons consider themselves to be "men of honour" when it comes to keeping a solemn promise. I am ashamed of our Taoiseach and his Government. - Yours, etc.,

DERMOT O'SHEA, Meadow Grove, Dublin 16.

Madam, - Noel Dempsey's craven letter of December 15th is typical of his party and its cowardly attitude towards Sinn Féin/IRA. Mr Dempsey admits that the IRA thugs who killed Det Garda McCabe "are not covered by the Good Friday Agreement"; yet he argues that because Sinn Féin "has consistently chosen to take a different view" they should be released as part of any final deal.

Gerry Adams (despite his loathsome casuistry) has consistently argued that there can be no rewriting of the Agreement. So be it. The Government should refuse to release the McCabe killers and stop the endless appeasement of the Provo godfathers.

Being all things to all people may be a useful ploy at times, but for once Bertie Ahern needs to show some moral courage and take a stand on the side of decency and justice.

Finally, in the context of recent years and the IRA "ceasefire" it is obvious to all but the most self deluding of fools that the IRA's extortion rackets, robberies and other criminal activities are set to continue no matter what happens. - Yours, etc.,

ANTHONY HARTNETT, Bishopstown, Cork.