Power of Jewish lobby in US

Madam, - The existence of a "Jewish lobby" that wields enormous political influence and power widely disproportionate to the…

Madam, - The existence of a "Jewish lobby" that wields enormous political influence and power widely disproportionate to the number of Jews has been a common theme in anti-Semitic conspiratorial discourse throughout the 20th century. We need hardly remind your readers of Hitler's poisonous rhetoric manifested in his writings, speeches and, ultimately, actions.

It should be recognised that vigorous criticism of Israeli domestic and foreign policy is articulated within Israel as well as internationally. Such criticism should not allow itself to be interpreted as anti-Semitism.

John Kelly (January 3rd) refers to the influence of a "Jewish lobby" in the US. There are many powerful lobbies openly active in Washington DC, including our own.

Why is it that the "Jewish lobby" is singled out for special mention?


Such sentiments expressed today recall almost verbatim the view expressed by Hitler in Mein Kampf, in which he wrote about the "Jewish conspiracy to destroy the world by means of political infiltration and corruption".

We find it of grave concern that views such as this could feed a new generation with excuses for anti-Semitism. It happened before, and must never be allowed to happen again.

The complex politics of the Middle East is one matter. The continued typecasting of Jews into the 21st century is something far more insidious and dangerous. - Yours, etc,


Chairperson, Holocaust Educational Trust of Ireland,

Dublin 2.