Madam, - If, as intimated, the political parties in Northern Ireland finally establish an executive on May 8th, might I suggest that, at noon on that day, we, the citizens of this island, north and south of the Border, observe at least one minute's silence, in remembrance of all those who have lost their lives in the long-running conflict that has been called "The Troubles"? - Yours, etc,
VINCENT BREHENY, Beechpark, Lucan, Co Dublin.
Madam, - Hell slap it into them, to use the northern vernacular. The unionists, with more than their usual stupidity, have given a majority to the Paisleyites. They will regret it. The nationalists, with great foolishness, have bypassed the SDLP and given their votes to barely reconstructed terrorists - Sinn Féin/IRA. They will regret it.
And behind it all - perfidious Albion. - Yours, etc,
GEORGE GILLILAND, Kirkliston Park, Belfast 5.
Madam, - One cannot add the cliché that "stranger things have happened", because they don't come any stranger than this.
But then Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist once sagaciously observed that, "you always become the thing you fight against the most". - Yours, etc,
KEN SHEEHAN, Mourne Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12.