Power sharing in Zimbabwe

Madam, -The agreement signed by President Robert Mugabe, prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai and deputy prime minister Arthur Mutambara…

Madam, -The agreement signed by President Robert Mugabe, prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai and deputy prime minister Arthur Mutambara can be successful only if all social partners and civic groups in Zimbabwe are involved in the process of healing the nation.

The government of national unity that has been agreed must be put under close scrutiny by allowing the media and other non-governmental organisations to see its day-to-day workings, removing any prospect of corrupt and secretive dealings behind the scenes.

Zimbabweans do not want to go back to the old politics that excluded them from fundamental issues affecting their lives. Even now, because the lack of a free media, many of my countrymen and countrywomen are not aware of the details of this unity accord.

Unlike some of my countrymen, I believe this is the beginning of the end of Zanu PF and President Mugabe. But the old tyrant will not leave quietly and the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe must remain ever more vigilant for his nasty tricks as he has proved on countless occasions that he is a political survivor. Zimbabweans must not be overly elated as the job of healing a wounded nation has not yet begun. - Yours, etc,




Co Laois.