A chara, - Congratulations to Thérèse Caherty on her Irishwoman's Diary of March 18th regarding water pressure in the Cabra area…

A chara, - Congratulations to Thérèse Caherty on her Irishwoman's Diary of March 18th regarding water pressure in the Cabra area.I have attempted to get to the bottom of this problem for a number of years, but as yet I have not received a satisfactory explanation as to why water supplies are cut off in parts of Cabra.

However, the article illustrated a much broader point regarding public services in this country. It seems to many ordinary people that there is no accountability within public bodies.

Local politicians, particularly city councillors, can often approach statutory bodies on behalf of constituents, but the reality is that we have no more power than ordinary citizens. Too much power is in the hands of unelected officials and central government. The Minister for the Environment, Noel Dempsey, promised more power for local areas, but we saw during the bin charges débâcle that he was actually willing to disband Dublin Corporation.

If people are to have confidence in State bodies, their local representatives must be given real power. - Is mise,



Dublin Central Sinn Féin,

Dublin 7.