PPARS project and the HSE

Madam, - I would like to take issue with a report in your edition of March 4th in relation to the PPARS project, the proposed…

Madam, - I would like to take issue with a report in your edition of March 4th in relation to the PPARS project, the proposed human resources management IT system for the health services.

This report and its use of selected comments from Dr Joe McDonagh of Trinity College Dublin implies that Dr McDonagh criticised the current management of the HSE. This is not the case.

Dr McDonagh himself has confirmed this with the following statement: "I am happy to clarify that I was invited, not commissioned, by the HSE to reflect on the PPARS initiative with a view to making explicit key lessons going forward. The HSE was particularly keen to draw on my specialist expertise in leading large-scale change enabled by modern ICT systems.

"In February, I submitted to the HSE a series of focused reflections on PPARS along with suggestions as to how best to ensure that ICT is treated as an integral element of health service modernisation and reform going forward.


"My reflections on leadership were directly related to the challenge of shaping and delivering large-scale change enabled by modern ICT systems. They related to the evolution of PPARS in particular and they can not be interpreted more widely in the context of executive leadership within the HSE today.

"Indeed, I drew specific attention to the sea change under way with the creation of the HSE and the new national ICT directorate which is responsible and accountable for all ICT matters throughout the health system. These changes reflect a welcome development and a radical departure from past practice."

Your report also incorrectly states that the PPARS project was discussed recently at the HSE's board meeting. PPARS was not on the agenda and was not discussed at the board meeting.

The future of the PPARS project is currently being reviewed by a top-level management group within the HSE. This will report shortly.

- Yours, etc,


National Director,

ICT Directorate,

Health Services Executive,


Co Kildare.