Pregnancy article by Claire Woods

Sir, – The feature article written by Claire Woods ("As I woke up each morning, my pregnancy screamed at me", April 29th) was captivating reading.

Beautiful photographs affirmed the happy outcome to her unexpected and stressful pregnancy.

She provided insights into why a woman would consider having an abortion even though she wouldn’t have wanted to take that option.

When she discussed going to an appointment in England her partner’s words, “I don’t think you should go. I don’t think you should sleepwalk into this” made a big impact and she knew he was right.


Her family and friends were tremendously supportive and she began to deeply appreciate each person who was there for her when they were most needed. Eventually she became aware of the gift. “Our baby continues to radiate new light through all our lives,” she writes.

I grieve for the women who didn’t have those supports. We can take a compassionate look at the difficulties associated with pregnancy.

I hope family and friends will support every woman during those months with a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on when needed and practical help so that the experience of carrying new life can lead to happiness.

When patient endurance takes over from anxiety a person can find an inner strength. When the stresses of pregnancy have become a distant memory will Claire Woods still be pro-choice? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 12.