Presbyterian Numbers

Sir, - In the inset to the article by Patsy McGarry on his interview with the Rev

Sir, - In the inset to the article by Patsy McGarry on his interview with the Rev. John Dixon (June 1st) it is stated that just 15,000 Presbyterians live in the Republic of Ireland. This is a substantial exaggeration.

The number recorded in the 1991 Census as "Presbyterian" is 13,199. The Definitions include this: "The category `Presbyterian' covers persons whose denominations were given as Free Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterian and Church of Scotland."

The authorities of the Presbyterian Church have made it clear time after time that it does not have any connection with the Free Presbyterian Church. The Reformed Presbyterian Church is also a separate body. The number of persons who gave either of those Churches as their denomination (which is not stated in the Census Report) would need to be subtracted from 13,199 to give the number of members of the Presbyterian Church as on the date of the Census. - Yours, etc., J. L. B. Deane,

Bandon, Co Cork.