President's Communion

Sir, - Having read many articles and lectures by learned theologians during the past few weeks, it strikes me that much of their…

Sir, - Having read many articles and lectures by learned theologians during the past few weeks, it strikes me that much of their undoubted learning is directed to stressing the differences between their churches regarding the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

Perhaps it would be better for all Christians to consider the words of the Tudor princess Elizabeth in 1554, when questioned as to her belief in the real presence of the saviour:

"Christ was the word that spake it, He took the bread and brake it, And what his word doth make it, That I believe and take it."

It is impossible for either Catholic or Protestant to impugn the orthodoxy of this simple explanation. Perhaps if all Christians approached Mass or Holy Communion with this attitude we should hear less of differences and more of harmony. - Yours, etc.,


Rathdrum, Co Wicklow.