President's Communion

Sir, - To Catholics who have defended, in your columns, intercommunion at Protestant services, might I suggest that they read…

Sir, - To Catholics who have defended, in your columns, intercommunion at Protestant services, might I suggest that they read the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Veritas, 1994) where the circumstances in which intercommunion is permitted are clearly set out (1400, 1401).

As one with close family ecumenical ties and many friends, clerical and lay, in the Church of Ireland, may I ask that this divisive correspondence be now closed. Let us resolve in this New Year to pray earnestly to the Holy Spirit that the differences which separate us may be resolved, so that there may be complete unity among Christians: Ut unum sint.

What a gift that would be for the millennium. - Yours, etc., Prof Eamon O'Dwyer,

Lower Taylor's Hill,

