President's Communion

Sir, - I want to thank Fr Fagan (January 2nd) for bringing us all back to the true meaning of Christianity in his immensely valuable…

Sir, - I want to thank Fr Fagan (January 2nd) for bringing us all back to the true meaning of Christianity in his immensely valuable contribution to the President's Communion debate. We need to open our eyes, minds and hearts to the new realities of Christianity, as he suggests.

Recently I attended a wedding in Oregon. The bride was an American-born Chinese and the groom an Italian academic from Milan. The warmth and generosity of spirit created by the families and friends of these two young people from totally different cultures was an enlightening experience. Hasten the day when our divided Christianity can grow into a forward-looking, forgiving and -above all - tolerant Church where everyone can commune together. - Yours, etc.,

From Bob Murray

Mount Merrion, Co Dublin.