President`S Communion

Sir, - Hands up, then, those Catholics who were "embarrassed", "scandalised" or "felt hurt and pain" because President McAleese…

Sir, - Hands up, then, those Catholics who were "embarrassed", "scandalised" or "felt hurt and pain" because President McAleese took Communion at Christ Church Cathedral (reported comments of Mgr Denis Faul and Prof James McEvoy, The Irish Times, December 13th).

Now we are told that the bishops are to discuss the "incident", that the Vatican has been informed of the "controversy", and that the Papal Nuncio "is said to be keeping the matter under observation"!

Is the President to be condemned to roast in hell for all eternity, or what? And why am I not surprised by all this?

Ut Unum Sunt? In your dreams! - Yours, etc.,


Foxrock, Dublin 18.