President's Communion

Sir, - Any manager knows that losing market share is bad for a company

Sir, - Any manager knows that losing market share is bad for a company. Worst of all is to lose share of a market which is in decline. Given the continuing fall in church attendance, it is entirely rational for Roman Catholic bishops to point out the superiority of their brand of Holy Communion over all others.

Over the centuries Catholic theologians have been highly creative in devising intellectual distinctions to create a separate and superior brand identity. Unfortunately, market research clearly shows that most consumers see no advantage in one form of substantiation over another and few can remember which prefix denotes which variety, much less understand the differences between them.

The negative manner in which Catholic clergymen have spoken of the inferiority of the Eucharist offered by other denominations has been a public relations disaster which seems set to accelerate, rather than arrest, the reduction in Catholic congregations. Management needs to align its strategy to the realities of the market in which it operates and, instead of denigrating competitors' products, develop a positive approach to promoting its own brand. Until it does so brokers will continue to rate shares in R.C. Ltd as a "sell". - Yours, etc.,

Hugh LaverySouthwood Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin.