President's Speech

Sir, - In her speech to the joint session of the Dail and Seanad, President McAleese referred to "the structures which will allow…

Sir, - In her speech to the joint session of the Dail and Seanad, President McAleese referred to "the structures which will allow us to build healthy relationships on this island and between these islands." This indeed marks a vast change from the time when the response of many in the Republic was akin to that of the W.B. Yeats when he remarked to Lady Gregory of the inhabitants of the North and of their politics: "I have always been of the opinion that if such disagreeable neighbours shut the door, it is better to turn the key in it before they change their minds."

Those of us whose ancestors emigrated to America join with the President in giving thanks for "this precious gift of peace" and for the achievement of so many ordinary people who have been able to change their minds and transform the landscape of Ireland. - Yours, etc.,

Robert F. Lyons, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA.