Presidential Election Date

Sir, - It isn't too long ago that members of the then Government piously lauded themselves for holding the divorce referendum…

Sir, - It isn't too long ago that members of the then Government piously lauded themselves for holding the divorce referendum on a Friday in order to allow students to travel home to vote. Not so a year later, when the liberal vote wasn't wanted in their bail referendum; their cynicism was exposed when they conveniently timed it for a Thursday.

Mary Harney subsequently suggested holding elections and referendums on Sundays in order to facilitate everybody, but this noble sentiment will be remembered as another empty platitude following the news that the Presidential election is to be held on a Thursday.

It would make a lot of sense to ensure that all polls take place on Sundays; even Friday would be acceptable as some form of compromise. For students in particular, it is unwise to re-register in their college town as many don't know where their next address will be, or if they will be at their current residence some months later.

Could the new Govermnent please make the simple pledge of ensuring that future elections and referendums are set for weekend dates, and if possible, move the forthcoming Presidential election by even one day? It's about time we were re-enfranchised. - Yours, etc.,


Alan Cox,

Newbridge, Co Kildare