Priced out of Dublin

Sir, – Brian Boyd’s article, “Winner-takes-all urbanism brought us a housing crisis” (Opinion, August 3rd) refers to David Kitt’s elegy about the sadness of so many creative people being forced to leave Dublin city.

Brian Boyd adds that those being hit hardest by the city’s housing crisis are the poorest people with the fewest options. I don’t disagree, but would like to point out that does not necessarily mean people who are unemployed.

On a recent visit to Glasgow I was served in a shoe shop by a young Irish woman who recently moved to Glasgow because she could not afford to live in the Dublin region. Before emigrating she had worked here in a similar retail job and her only reason for leaving this country was financial.

She told me she can live comfortably on what she earns in Glasgow.


Please would Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy earn his salary and deal with the current housing crisis with the energy and creativity that is required. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 20.