Princess Diana And Mother Teresa

Sir, - Last week, the great mystery of life made itself felt as never before

Sir, - Last week, the great mystery of life made itself felt as never before. Princess Diana's tragic death at the beginning of the week, coupled with the death of Mother Teresa five days later, seemed to point to a dreadful symmetry. We grieved for the two women joined together in a life of giving to the invisible, rejected, forgotten members of our society.

But with God, there are no coincidences. Inexplicable though it may be, in our increasingly church-weary, cynical and pagan environment, was God saying: "See me. Look towards me. I am here"? Along with the global ache, there was certainly a turning of the axis of the world towards God as those millions of mourners shared a silent prayer and thought of goodness. - Yours, etc., JEANETTE BRESNIHAN,

Rosses Point,

Co Sligo.