'Propaganda' on Zimbabwe

Madam, - It was with the same rural practicality of dealing with foxes in a hen run that Mary O'Rourke TD suggested on RTÉ Radio…

Madam, - It was with the same rural practicality of dealing with foxes in a hen run that Mary O'Rourke TD suggested on RTÉ Radio that someone should shoot the democratically elected leader of Zimbabwe. On the same day, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning cleric Desmond Tutu suggested a military invasion of this exploited country.

Both of these normally sane people seem to be dancing to the tune of the old, but well-oiled British propaganda machine.That Robert Mugabe in his old age has become embittered is the fault of Britain, which withheld the cash injection agreed to ensure a just and fair transfer of land to the native people of Zimbabwe. Have we so quickly forgotten the same propaganda machine directed against Ireland? - Yours, etc,


Cahore Point,


Co Wexford.