Protecting cultural and natural heritage

Sir, – We are yet again running to a point of gross hypocrisy, with our most senior politicians leading the charge, where misplaced national complacency about our precious heritage in all its aspects is only outstripped by our ignorance of its true values, our lack of commitment to its protection, and our avidity to turn it to profit.

Everyone with a stake in our landscape, history, archaeology and ecology needs to speak up now, look more closely at what is happening, and become more assertive for these priceless assets we have which are not truly valued. In truth, our record in the care and protection of all of the above has hardly ever been worse than it is at present. Who will be fooled?

There is a risk that “Ireland’s Ancient East” may disappear behind a cartoon version of itself, and soon the only thing that will be wild about the “Wild Atlantic Way” will be the traffic. – Yours, etc,





Co Kerry.