Public sector pay and pensions

Madam, – Our public sector colleagues need a lesson in private sector economics

Madam, – Our public sector colleagues need a lesson in private sector economics. Your employer cannot afford your remuneration package and is heading for bankruptcy. The usual options exist. You can take a pay cut, work longer hours for no additional pay, or reorganise yourselves to reduce headcount without reducing services. Which one is it going to be? PS The ATM is empty. – Yours, etc,


Wesley Heights,


Dublin 16.

Madam, – Angry public sector workers are now reportedly on “a war footing” in relation to cuts, etc, (Home News, September 29th). At least they have some weapons.

But where does that leave the poor, the young, the elderly, the sick, the homeless, the unemployed, people with disabilities and carers? Many of these are already suffering severely from cutbacks in services, and are now facing further attacks on support and on benefits. What weapons do they have? None.

Except, possibly, that Irish society generally makes it known to our Government, in the strongest possible fashion, that the first priority in these difficult times must be those who are vulnerable. – Yours, etc,


Knockrea Lawn,

Ballinlough, Cork.