Quakers and 1916

A chara, – This year people on this island will commemorate the 1916 Rising, and the Battle of the Somme. Both commemorations are potentially divisive. Both events involved suffering caused by military violence, which continues throughout the world today.

We have to ask the question whether non-violent alternatives would have made our world today a better place. As Quakers, we believe that all war is inconsistent with the spirit and teaching of Christ. We seek to live in peace with all people and to work towards reconciliation between individuals, groups and nations.

Our “Peace Testimony” is at the core of our beliefs and it states: “We utterly deny all outward wars and strife and fightings with outward weapons, for any end or under any pretence (pretext) whatsoever. And this is our testimony to the whole world.”

This statement was made in 1661 and, for us, is as valid now as it was then.


Dublin Quakers will give quiet public witness to this belief from noon to 1pm at College Green, Dublin, on the first Saturday of each month throughout 2016, starting on February 6th. – Yours, etc,



Dublin Monthly Meeting

of the Religious Society

of Friends (Quakers),

Quaker House,

Stocking Lane,

Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.