Qualified Catholicism

Sir, - The problem with people like David Quinn, editor of theIrish Catholic newspaper (August 24th), and those he speaks for…

Sir, - The problem with people like David Quinn, editor of theIrish Catholic newspaper (August 24th), and those he speaks for, is that they can't accept that today's Irish Catholic citizens are quite comfortable with the concept of religion being separated from the practicalities of their everyday lives. They can in all conscience receive the sacraments of the Catholic Church and also believe in and support civil rights such as divorce and contraception. This is the sign of a mature nation which makes up its own mind on these matters and is no longer content to be dictated to by the Catholic Church.Any man who can write that President Robinson's support for human rights is "little more than secular Western values", is as out of touch with what the people of Ireland demand as the head-burying of the Catholic Church leaders is to the problems within the Church itself. When is the Catholic Church going to grow up and realise that if a liberal society makes people's lives easier, they will opt for that? Always. Quite right, too. - Yours, etc.,ROBERT O'SULLIVAN,Bantry,Co Cork