Questions for Census 2022

Sir, – The Central Statistics Office is advising people who feel uncomfortable ticking either male or female on the sex question in Census 2022, to tick both male and female.

What’s the guidance for people who feel uncomfortable about other questions on the census? What if you are not happy that you are single, or divorced? What if you wish you had a higher level of education, or were younger, or could speak Irish or owned your own home?

Is it now acceptable for us to lie about anything that makes us uncomfortable, to hell with the consequences?

– Yours, etc,



Milltown, Dublin 14.

Sir, – The census conducted in the UK last year included questions on sexual orientation and gender identity for the first time. As a result, the UK will now have information on the size of the LGBTQI+ community at a local and national level – something that has long been disputed. While numbers may be under-reported because of stigma, it is a leap forward for inclusion and equality.

The information gathered will help the UK government measure the health, economic, and housing disparities faced by gender and sexual minorities. It will also enable them to estimate the demand for specialist gender and sexual health services. But, most importantly, a previously hidden subpopulation will become visible.

In sharp contrast Census 2022 will tell us nothing about Ireland’s LGBTQI+ population. As a result, we remain invisible in official data, and vital LGBTQI+ services and supports will remain underfunded and under-resourced.

This must change.

– Is mise,


Ballyphehane, Cork.