Rail services excluding wheelchair users

Sir, – It is an absolute disgrace that people in wheelchairs are required to give Dart services a minimum of four hours’ notice in advance of use, not to mention the 24-hour notice requirement on those wishing to use rail services in the rest of the country.

The current system deliberately discriminates against vulnerable commuters and other rail users, and it is completely unacceptable.

Furthermore, wheelchair users often face added obstacles due to lifts being out of use, preventing them from accessing platforms. This also places undue pressure on families with prams and pushchairs, who are often forced to rely on the kindness of strangers to get up station stairwells.

Instead of wasting time on publicity stunts like the recent electric-car charger debacle earlier this week, it would be much appreciated by taxpayers if the Government put our money to good use.


As such, I am calling on the Minister for Transport to address the following issues: upgrading station lifts and replacing old or worn-out infrastructure; removing the requirement on wheelchair users to notify rail services of their intention to travel; and reinstating platform attendants who can offer security and assistance to the disabled and mobility impaired. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 3.