Railways and greenways

Sir, – The debate between your readers in the northwest on the respective merits of railways versus greenways is confusing (August 10th). It seems the northwest is always happy to settle for less.

Killarney, Ireland’s premier tourist destination for over a century, owes its success to, among other things, its accessibility by rail, air, and road. It boasts the most extensive network of greenways in Ireland, and which are not at the expense of any other amenity.

Why does the northwest engage in a debate about choice when it should be campaigning for the full range of services – rail, air, road and, if possible, sea and any other which would help. The Kingdom would settle for nothing less. Enough is never sufficient! – Yours, etc,



Killarney, Co Kerry.

Sir, – Better a thousand high-spending cycling tourists that have to stay and spend locally than a handful of people waving at us through a train window. In truth, nobody has yet found a way to monetise being stared at from a passing train, particularly one that sometimes carries as many crew members as it does passengers. We need to retain and maintain rail routes that have the potential to carry passengers, and not waste scarce borrowed money on railways with built-in planned failure. – Yours, etc,


Boyle, Co Roscommon.