Random Breath Tests

Sir, - I find it hard to understand that there could be difficulties in implementing all-year-round, random breath-testing when…

Sir, - I find it hard to understand that there could be difficulties in implementing all-year-round, random breath-testing when you look at the carnage on our roads. Surely it is the sensible thing to do; in fact I would bring it on one stage further and have regular random breath tests on all roads near pubs. I know that drink-related driving is not the only cause for the unacceptable high number of deaths, but it accounts for a large number.

The relevant authorities have for a number of years tried to appeal to people's common sense with some very good, and hard-hitting ads, but with little success. I feel the reason some people ignore the warnings is that they know the chances of being detected are quite low. It stands to reason that if people think they will be stopped and breathalysed, they will not drive for fear of losing their licences. (It is sad to think that some people think more of their licences than they do of their lives.) - Yours, etc.,

Joe Harvey, Glenageary Wood, Glenageary, Co Dublin.