Re-election of George Bush

Madam, - There are many of us who are convinced that Islamic terrorism is the single gravest threat facing mankind today, and…

Madam, - There are many of us who are convinced that Islamic terrorism is the single gravest threat facing mankind today, and we thus welcome America's and Britain's courageous resolve in confronting it, and indeed Ireland's small contribution in refuelling the US Air Force in Shannon. We therefore welcome George Bush's re-election because he has demonstrated his resolve (if also a degree of incompetence), whereas his opponent, John Kerry, despite his words, made many feel that cut-and-run was his primary instinct. Osama bin-Laden will rest less easy, as his defeatist video just before the election makes plain.

In the wake of the Republican wave of success in not only the White House but also in Congress, the Senate and Governorships, it is an added delight to read no fewer than five hysterically condemnatory letters in your issue of November 5th.

Finding oneself on the wrong side of the argument is so very hard to bear. - Yours, etc,

TONY ALLWRIGHT, Killiney, Co Dublin.