Reactions to Budget 2000

Sir, - I would like to publicly say thank you to Charlie McCreevy for his Budget

Sir, - I would like to publicly say thank you to Charlie McCreevy for his Budget. He has managed to stir into action a great number of people, including some of the unions, in an effort to redress the imbalance in our society where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Widespread apathy and indifference prevailed until the Budget was unveiled. So I say, well done, Charlie. It may not have had the impact he intended but it certainly gives hope for the future that so many voices are clamouring for fair play.

In all the criticism this Budget has received I am amazed that so little has been said about the 2 per cent reduction in the higher rate of tax. Imagine, all the super rich in Ireland are to have a massive increase in pay. What a commendable fellow Charlie is! The old age pensioners get £7 per week (have you gone into a shop lately, Charlie, with £7 to see what it can buy?) while the rich are required to pay less tax. Yes, Mary Harney is right - everyone has benefited from this budget but it takes some neck to put forward this claim without blushing when you are depriving the most needy in our society to line the pockets of the rich. - Yours, etc.,

Mary Stewart (Mrs) Ardeskin, Donegal Town.