Reactions to Moriarty report

Madam, - In the immediate aftermath of the publication of the Moriarty report, the Haughey family described some findings as…

Madam, - In the immediate aftermath of the publication of the Moriarty report, the Haughey family described some findings as "perverse". If intended as a condemnation of the report, then the word equally supports the findings of the report, according to the definition of the same word in my copy of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary, which offers the following:

"Perverse - Turned aside from right or truth; obstinate in the wrong: capricious and unreasonable in opposition; forward; wrong-headed; wayward; against evidence or judge's direction on point of law; adverse . . . a diverting from the true object; a turning from right or true; a distortion: a misapplication . . . tending to pervert . . . to turn wrong or from the right course; a wrest from the true meaning; to corrupt; to turn from truth or virtue: to divert . . ."

Forgive my confusion - but in this context is the word "perverse" not a damning verdict on some of the activities of the former taoiseach? - Yours, etc,

VINCENT CAPRANI, Chalfont Park, Malahide, Co Dublin.


Madam, - Now that Charles Haughey's true pedigree has been officially established, would it be too much to ask his supporters in Dingle to replace their recent monument to this crook with a representation of the hard-pressed taxpayer - the actual source of their good fortune? - Yours, etc,

ANTHONY SHERIDAN, Carraig Eoin, Cobh, Co Cork.