Recalling Roger Casement’s journey

Sir, – I was interested in Derek Scally's reference to Casement's journey to Kerry's Banna Strand in a German U-boat ("Exhuming Roger Casement by TV drama", August 12th). In 1951, I was in Germany riding north to south on my motorbike. When I came to Karlsruhe, I had to cross the Alb (a Rhine tributary) by ferry as the bridge had been demolished by Allied bombers during the war and not yet rebuilt. Waiting for the ferry to return, I fell into conversation with the ferryman. To my astonishment, on hearing that I came from Ireland, he started to talk about prewar Irish politics. Intrigued, I asked him why on earth this had been of interest to him. "I was second in command of the U-boat which dropped Casement off the Kerry coast," he replied. – Yours, etc,


Foxrock, Dublin 18.