Recklessness On The Roads

Sir, - Having driven on the N4 from Dublin over the Bank Holiday weekend, I am appalled that despite two more deaths on this …

Sir, - Having driven on the N4 from Dublin over the Bank Holiday weekend, I am appalled that despite two more deaths on this road recently, reckless driving continues. I would appreciate if you would allow me the opportunity to address these dangerous drivers on behalf of those of us who travel unaccompanied by death wishes.

How many more needless deaths are you prepared to cause before you slow down and cease these idiotic overtaking manoeuvres? You may be prepared to risk your own lives, and in some cases, the lives of your spouses and young children, but you have no right to endanger ours. Just because we choose to drive within the speed limits and keep a safe distance from the car in front doesn't mean we're inviting you to leap-frog recklessly in and out between us.

And what is it all for - to save a few minutes in the journey? Wouldn't it be better to arrive a little later but safely? There are already far too many white crosses along the roadside. Personally, I don't want one of my own. Do you? - Yours, etc.,

Carol O'Donohue, Lucan, Co Dublin.