Referendum on citizenship

Madam, - Mr Colm Mac Eochaidh (Opinion, April 20th) writes that a referendum is not necessary to regulate those who are to become…

Madam, - Mr Colm Mac Eochaidh (Opinion, April 20th) writes that a referendum is not necessary to regulate those who are to become Irish citizens. He is correct in saying Article 2 of the Constitution is difficult to understand. The first sentence of Article 2 uses the phrase " be part of the Irish nation" and the second sentence uses the phrase "to be citizens of Ireland".

There is ambiguity here and this ambiguity needs to be eliminated by referendum.

Certainly, the Nationalities and Citizenship Act 1956, Section 6, needs to be amended by the Oireachtas; but to put the matter safely beyond doubt, a referendum is needed to alter Article 2 of the Constitution also.

I do not at all agree with Mr Mac Eochaidh that "the State is entitled to make laws removing citizenship or declaring citizenship is lost by reference to the conduct and intentions of the child's parents". It would surely be most unjust and iniquitous for the "sins" of the parents to be visited on a child in such a manner. In any event, Article 2 of the Constitution may be quoted to supersede any laws of the Oireachtas and it seems most desirable that a referendum should be held to rectify the situation if the people think fit. - Yours, etc.,


SEAMUS LANTRY, Father Matthew Street, Cork.